“If all your friends jumped off a cliff, would you do it too?” Most of us have grown up hearing this question, in regards to wanting to do what our friends do. But even as an adult, it’s the norm to go head first off that cliff. Everyone wants to just “go with the flow”, be cool and hip. But is this really the way to live life? You need to STOP “Keeping Up With The Joneses”!
Where did this phrase come from?
The phrase, “Keeping up w/ the Joneses”, means to try and have or do what others that are popular are. It originates from a comic strip by the same name which was created by Arthur R. “Pop” Momand in 1913.

It showed the lives of the McGinis family who were trying to social climb by keeping up with their neighbors, the Joneses. They judged their own social standing by how their lifestyles and material goods compared to their neighbors.
It was actually based on the cartoonist’s own experience of trying to do this while living in Nassau County, New York. The comic ran for 24 years from 1913 to 1938. Though the comic strip is relatively unknown today, it has become a common catchphrase.
“Keeping Up With The Kardashians” is a popular television show that remixes this phrase.
Who Are The Joneses of TODAY?
You probably know who they are, already. They could be your family, your friends, your coworkers, acquaintances we see on Facebook, celebrities, athletes. They are everywhere! That’s why it’s so difficult to break free from the grips of rabid consumerism. But for your futures sake, you have to, because what you’re seeing in the Joneses facade isn’t always what it is in reality. Most of us just can’t keep up.
STOP Comparing!
When you start comparing your life to someone else, it’s a recipe for disaster! There’s always going to be someone who is more wealthy, has a nicer house, drives a nicer car, has a better marriage, is better looking. The list goes on and on. This will drive a person crazy, if you let it.
Social media is TOXIC!
When you get on your Facebook or Instagram feed, you can’t help but think “This is how it should be!”. But there’s more than meets the eye! When we post stuff on our social media, we certainly don’t want people to see the down and dirty secrets of our lives, so we put our best pics of our lives.
All roads to DEBT are lead by “Keeping up with the Joneses!”
While I previously talked about DEBT and how to get out of it, really, “Keeping up with the Joneses” is what landed you in DEBT to begin with!
Kevin Cochran from Enriched Academy explains the mindset you shouldn’t have! So STOP making this financial mistake!
And the buck doesn’t stop there! Here is a wonderful snippet from the video “10 Money Mistakes You Must Avoid At All Costs” by the Betterment Boss.
Feel free to watch his entire video, but I love that particular segment as he drives home the point to STOP KEEPING UP WITH THE JONESES!
But… how do you REALLY stop “Keeping up with the Joneses”??
Simply put…stay grounded and learn to appreciate!
I stumbled upon a great short video by Chris Hogan explaining the ethics on how to stop comparing yourself to others. And it really drives home the message that if you want to stop the gravy train, you have to put up those horse blinders and simply stay in your lane!
You have to learn how to Live Within Your Means and stop comparing your life with others!